First off I would like to welcome home Poodle aka Marvelous aka Too many AKA's.....We missed you and you can never go for a walk alone again....Second Happy Motherfucking Tuesday World....Yea its only Tuesday wooptie fucking doo....on a positive note I will be giving out 1 gazillion badillion pesos(thats like 100 American Dollars) in the form of blog post so world prep urself for the funniest shit on the net and the rudest crudest realest guys out there...if you don't like wat we say fuck off and go to one of those punk ass blogs that gossip abt ppl all day we aint here for that riff raff.....have a nice day ladies and gents....follow us daily!!!!
I Love You World,
Drizzles The Great
word to the mother fuckin bird...if u aint down with what we have to say fuck it like a bucket and a bad B*tch bout to suck it lol...yes Drizzle you are right I will never go for a walk solo again its a crazy world and too many things to get a poodle like me excited!!!!HAPPY TUESDAYYYYYYY