Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well here at AppleBeans we really care about safety, so let me start off by saying good thing no one got hurt. Ok with that being said why do we continue to let women drive? I mean time after time after fuckin time we see some bullshit on the road involving either a woman or an old person. When is Johnny Law going to understand, you must re test old people at the age of 65 and every 5yrs after, and for women, well I'll be generous and say every 2 yrs. Get tight at me if you want but facts are facts. I know PROBABLY a handful of women who can actually maneuver a motor vehicle. Deadass, look at these chicks, smiling and shit. They would think a car accident is funny. Dios mios..


  1. I hate to agree with you, but it's true. As a female I know that 98% of female drivers CANNOT drive, even if their life depended on it. I consider myself to be apart of the 2% that can actually drive. I was involved in an accident a few months ago with another chick who had NO clue where the fuck she was going in the middle of the Bronx. They just have no common sense while they drive, while on the other hand, dudes just drive reckless for NO reason. I definitely also agree on old people needing to get re-tested after a few years because they seriously do not seem to comprehend simple rules that even my 9yr old brother knows.

    Those chicks in the picture are complete assholes...like sweetie that is in NO way cute. It's actually VERY embarassing.

  2. add asians to the list...not to hate on my people but.........

    unfortunately i fall under the worst category of drivers, woman and asian. but hav managed in all my driving years to hav only 2 accidents...which in my category probably makes me A STAR!!! Heyyy
