Monday, September 28, 2009

Dat Dude Of The Week...(Week of September 28th)

The last week of September is here and we must shout someone out here at the spot also know as AppleBeans/Bean City Bright Lights/Apptown/ or whatever you want to call us...

So without breaking any tradition what so ever let's see who was picked out the hat for the coveted award of DDOW. I like to think of dude as a super hero sorta like Usain Bolt is Flash this guy is Aquaman. Maybe they should form a modern day Justice League. I'm pretty sure I gave it away but with no delay Dat Dude of the Week for the week of September 28, 2009 may I present to you Michael Phelps....

O and peep the bedroom:

(I doubt that's really his room but I wouldn't be surprised if he really had one like that)

This guy is a fucking beast and there's not much to say. Guy is a fucking fish who smokes weed. To me that's worthy of a hug and a hand pound. Mike if no one has ever told you this you are in fact the man. Any money bet he will figure out a way to break one his own records just cuz he can do that. So Mike please accept this award and keep up the good work in regards to your recreational activities at college parties, and continue to swim like a shark that smells blood. Clap clap bravo.

I'm Drowning,
Drizzy Phelps

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