Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Smile, It's Good For You

Well Ladies, I bet you never thought Cum could be so good for you! Well according to some PH.D mothafuckas, it is! I knew swallowing a load had to be good for the ladies, I mean the shit helps creates babies yo, swallowing it has to do something. 15,000 people is a solid enough # for me to believe this study. So drink up! Be merry! Help your own cause in decreasing the chances of breast cancer.

I'm really not trying to be funny but come on... this is great shit!!

"Only with regular occurrence will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all women out there to make fellatio an important part of their daily routine," said Dr. Helena Shifteer, one of the researchers at the University.

Bahahhahah could not have said it better myself!

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