Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I highly doubt I am the only that thinks this but sandwiches are the greatest thing to ever grace this Earth. Thanks to sliced bread and cold cuts or wateva that fits in between those slices of bread we have the greatest meal in the history of meals. So easy and quick to make, so delicious to eat. I fucking LOVE sandwiches. I think it goes back to being a kid and going on school trips I would get my ham and cheese on a roll and a juice and I would be set. I damn sure knew that the paper bag was not going to hold me back from destroying that sandwich. Sorry just had to vent. Let me know what you think about sandwiches cuz as you can see I love em....I personally believe that sandwiches can end wars plain and simple fuck a dove and an olive branch and all that talk....sandwiches can make people friends. Bring sandwiches to Israel or Palestine (which ever you prefer) and let's see them settle everything.

Ham & Cheese On A Roll Please,
Drizzy the Delicatessen

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