Click AQUI for story..
Well you are what you are playa. This is the problem with the youth in America. So the teacher wrote loser and took 20pts off her HW.... Ok I'm still waiting for the big deal here. The teacher says your a loser, then motherfucker your a loser! Do something about it. Don't go cry to mami about you being a loser. Wtf is that about? This isn't degrading at all, in fact it's the opposite. This is inspiration, this is the fuel needed to be successful and if pussy ass parents aren't going to pass the message then let their TEACHERS do their job. Mom goes complains about the first loser, so what does the teacher do? Counter with a -20% LOSER! HA Brilliant!!! This dude has Teacher of the Year written all over him. I'd let him teach my kid anyday, you know why? Because my kid will be a WINNER and his paper will say +1.05Bill WINNER! SMH America, you think in Russia this would be a big deal?!?!?
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