So we are at the end of September wtf is going on with time is it me or is that shit flying by? Alright just cuz time is moving at a rapid pace doesn't mean we stop doing our jobs over here at AppleBeans....So last week a lot of shit went down in the world that I do not have one clue about so this DDOW has nothing to do with anything kinda like his show(s)....this guy doesn't need any sort of introduction he is none other than Larry of a great show known as Seinfeld and also creator and star of his hit show Curb Your Enthusiasm....if you haven't seen either I suggest you watch because shit is hilarious.....So congrats Mr. David you are our lucky winner....and possibly the first Jewish man to win this award...
A Post About Nothing,
Drizzy Seinfeld
This post is.... pretty pretty pretty gooood.