Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Do You Feel For Him?

I think its long over due...

How do you feel?

Can you still rock to Breezy after this or will he fall into a cave somewhere off the coast of Madagascar?

Don't make it so obvious that you're reading off a card kid come from the heart man, the heart.

Run it Run it,


  1. lol yea he did seem too scripted...but fuck it I dont blame him sometimes u gotta meet an old friend!!!EAT THE CAKE ANNA MAE!!!!!!

  2. fuck him man. he moonwalked on rihanna face, as much as she might of deserved it he still aint have no right. at least kelly just pissed on hoes

  3. yea man he took the wrong approach..... cant be beating women unless they punch you in the face...hard...repeatdly... THAT my friend is when your allowed to do the shakedown... chris took it to the maxd out core
