Thursday, July 16, 2009

Enough is fuckin enough!

Sick and tired of this selfish cunt and his im retiring no no no wait im coming back, uhhh wait wait I think ill retire BULLSHIT... get over yourself you old piece of shit and sit your ass home in mississippi and make those damn wrangler commercials... FUCK

ps. thanks for losing that last game to miami last year... dick.. how many intos did he throw? probably more then he completed


  1. Whoa Whoa Whoa chill with all the slandering my dude....u always have to go to some high ass mountain top and wild out I don't appreciate these words hoe on that note he def does need to retire already and take his golden retriever and play fetch and just lay back and take Green Bay's money.

  2. he looks good in the wranglers tho

  3. heyyy guys i say if he still got it in him let em do it...but if he comes back and fails miserably i say we tar and feather the motherfucker!!!!
