Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Education??!?!?


You know a part of me wants to support this chick, I mean shit we pay all this money to get this "education" that will supposedly help our careers but yet how the fuck can we start one without a job! But since I and the rest of the world read and watch the news we know that there is something called a RECESSION and ALOT more people are getting LAID off, not HIRED. Stupid bitch are you serious? Its not like she was a fuckin brainiac either, bitch had a 2.7, if shes tight what about the people who dont have jobs and graduated with a 3.9!?! Riddle me that one joker. Her attendance is good??? What the fuck does that mean? Fuck attendance me and my roomate attended 0 and I repeat 0 psy classes and still passed with flying colors, so dont feed me the attendance shit, grow up were talking about college here. Lmao yo ahhaha the more I think about this story the more ridiculous I find it. Cant find a job after college? Sue!! Blame the school, not the fact that you probably suck a fat dick at interviewing, or that your probably dumb as rocks, or that our economy is sitting in hell with satan. No no, sue the school. Let us know how that goes... dumb bitch


  1. Her Judas-like act will not help her in her employment pursuit, thats for damn sure.


  2. Yea shes def an idiot for this one...thats like me sueing Nike because I grew and my shoes dont fit anymore...it juss dont make sense!!!

  3. that shit just got me thinking...
    she got a 2.7 with excellent attendance at MONROE
    i had like a 2.5 with 7% sober attendance rate.
