Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good shit..

(If only this gave him a serious concussion.... damnit)

As much as I hate the motherfucker, let me the first here on AppleBeans to congratulate Mr. Derek Jeter on his record tying achievement as the all time hit leader in Yankee history. Lots of greats played for that stupid fucking team and he probably is the best after the Babe. He also bangs bad bitches so that's a definite plus in my hood. But facts are facts and as far as I'm concerned he is still a Yankee and therefore can go commit that.


  1. i know that must have pained you to write that hahaha!


  2. You need to chill out OK thanks for the shout out but don't disrespect the squad.....You don't see me on here talking shit about the Gay Garments of Bawston...don't forget you have a Yankee on your Fantasy squad...shhhh hahaha

  3. dont bring fantasy in this you cock a red sox fan... and a smart fantasy GM.. sometimes sacrifices need to be made... but in 3 weeks i could care less if a 757 crashes into tex's pool while hes swimming.

  4. OK I had enuff of this nonsense fuck you and fuck the Red Cocks....and u r a smart GM too bad ur team's GM couldn't do the same and pick up Tex wat an idiot.
