Thursday, September 3, 2009

KFC Has Officially Beasted!!!!

There are always extremes in life and this is one 'em. Seriously KFC?!?!?!
They took chicken sandwich to a whole other level.

Shit is beast:

We as Americans would eat this shit at least once and if you like it possibly 3-4 times and realize it's not the greatest thing to eat if you want to do something we call continue living. To be honest with you I would prolly eat this heart attack on a twisted night.

Not Too Hungry,
Colonel Drizzles


  1. HAHAHAHA i seen this shit b4... i bet that shit is mad good tho

  2. this would come out my ass right away as soon as it entered my mouth....lmao

  3. that looks amazing....mmmmm baconnnnn......
