Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael ViCk iS FrEe!!!!!!!

Ma main man MichAel ViCk is free today from federal custody and can now lobby to enter the NFL once again. It is def. PARTY TIMMMEEE!!!!!!!!!! This guy had a one of the sickest arms and not to mention pair of running legs ever seen in this WORLD!!! I would love to see Mike back on the field scrambling on defenses and throwing shotgun bullet passes into receivers open arms. Mannnnn I say the man has done his time (Which is fucking nonsense 2 years for dog fighting WTF?) let him shine!!!! Mike if your out there i got your back and would love to see you making fools of these people on the field!!!!!!!! Michael Vick...WHAT DOG?!?! So Mike put on your fiesta hat and let the good times roll!!!!! Mike Vick Superbowl MVP 2009-2010!!!!!!!!


  1. Reinstate this man! He paid more than his debt to society... He didn't body a human being so they need to relax.

  2. word up.... i mean im not going to promote dog fighting cuz the shit is wrong... BUT it wasnt like hes a violent dude that the nfl should be concerned about... phenomenal athlete and he should be reinstated!
