Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't You Hate...

Here's a list of things I hate:

1. Being broke. Living check to check isn't cool at all.
2. Boxes that say fragile on it. Makes me want to just drop the shit when I see it.
3. Season finales. They always end the show on some od shit.
4. Kaleidoscopes, don't ask why cuz I don't even know.
5. Al Sharpton, cuz he thinks he's the second coming of Jesus. Calm down homie.
6. Twilight is it really that good?
7. Vienna Sausages, them shits look disgusting.
8. Nicolas Cage. I think he's a shitty actor but that's just me. If you need proof go watch Wicker Man, but I'll warn you the shit sucks.
9. The state of North Dakota.
10. Telia Tequila.
11. Wisdom Teeth.
12. PICKLES!!! The most disgusting thing on the planet besides roaches that fly.
13. The number 73.
14. Awkward moments during fashion shows.

So that is a short list of mine. Let me know what you hate?

Hate, Hate, Hate,
Drizzles Hates Lists Too


  1. - nosy people sitting next to u in the train who try to be slick and read your newspaper/book and see wth you're doing on your phone

    - sour cream and mayonnaise *barf*

    - people who walk slow

    - very long nails

    -mean train conductors who see u running for the train, make eye contact with u, and close the door RIGHT in front of your face.... u couldnt wait 2 extra seconds? asshole.

    -when people TyPe LyKe DiZ CuZ DeY Th!nK iTz k00L

  2. Nice list....train conductors who do that shit should get their head caught in the window...that's so fucked up...and people that type like that are so annoying it really grinds my gears.
