Friday, October 9, 2009

Riddle Me This Facebookers

Me and Marvelous were discussing important matters in the world and came across this meaningless topic that pisses me off.... What is the point of facebook if you remove your wall? Like what the fuck is the point of doing that? Just take yourself off of facebook if thats the case.... Im trying to see whats good with you and I cant. Why? Not because your not on facebook, because you took your wall off. Give me a fucking break. Some people take this shit too serious if you ask me. Its fuckin facebook. Now i have to write you a message just to say whats good? Fuck you I aint. Soon people are going to remove texting from their phone plans. Stupid. How do you feel about this meaningless topic?


  1. Maybe people want you to make the extra effort and personally contact them to see what's up. A test of friendship - JUST A THOUGHT! haha =)

  2. I completely agree with you Haiti. What's the point of having FB if you're going to block everything. I do understand tagged pictures and/or videos because in corporate America they look at that crap and you don't want future employers to find crazy pictures of you doing a keg stand or something (that's the HR in me talking). But your wall? Uh hello, isn't that one of the things that makes makes FB, FB? I don't want to send you a message just want to write that I miss you on your wall. Thanks! And with that, I invite everyone who reads this to write ridiculousness on my wall as you drop by to say a quick hello! LOL =)

  3. facts all facts MG. Doesnt make sense.

  4. I fuckin concur stop being pansies and do the dam thing! put up ur walls and post away on them!!

    MaRvElOuS cOnTrOvErSy S.K.A. FB Dry Waller
